Privacy Policy

At Speedy Bunny ("Speedy Bunny" or "we"), we value the trust our customers place in our brand and are committed to protecting their privacy. This Privacy Policy sets out our privacy practices when you use our website, mobile application technologies, or services such as subscribing to email newsletters and other digital properties or provide personal data to use our services (collectively referred to as "Services") as well as interact with us on third party platforms (such as social media).

1. How to collect information

We collect personal information about our users in three ways:

  • When you create an account with us or modify your account data.
  • Information we collect through your use of the Services, or placing an order through us, including the payment process.
  • If you contact us for any inquiries.
  • Information we collect from third parties and/or publicly available sources.

2. Information you provide to us and we collect

We collect information that you provide to us when you use our Services, which may include the types of personal information that

We collect the following:

  • Account information: personal details, such as name (first and last name), postal address, email address, mobile phone number and/or landline, date of birth, gender and other contact information And
  • Transaction information, such as products purchased, price, delivery address, payment method, payment details, coupons and rewards used when processing transactions you have requested Noting that we do not store any of your payment/credit information, for online transactions where payment/credit cards are used, we transfer your entire card information to the appropriate payment/credit card destination in an encrypted format with globally accepted rules and applications while processing the order. This is to maintain the security of your information, unless requested based on your choice to store payment card information, in which case we retain part of your card information in an encrypted format, while taking the necessary precautions to maintain the physical, electronic and procedural safeguards of your credit card information.
  • Collect some technical information related to the device from which our services are accessed, including the type of device and IP address. As for your location data, it is not obtained if you choose to be anonymous. Circumstances in which your personal information is collected by you providing it to us may include:
  • Register to use the Services.
  • Purchasing products using our services.
  • Use coupons and rewards that may be earned in any of Speedy Bunny's loyalty programs.
  • Sign up to receive marketing communications or mailings
  • Participate in surveys, contests or other promotions.
  • Use any other services on the site that require providing data. Information about your use of the Services: In addition to the information you provide directly to us, we may collect information about your use of the Services. For example, we may collect:
  • Device information – such as device type and model, IP address and other unique device identifiers, operating system version, browser type and version, and settings of the device you use to access the Services
  • Usage Information – such as information about the Services you use, the time and duration of your use of the Services, the address of the referring site (if applicable), other information about your interaction with content provided through the Services, and any information stored in cookies and similar technologies we have used in our App or Services ; And
  • Location information - such as your computer's Internet Protocol address, your mobile device's GPS and Bluetooth signals, or information about nearby Wi-Fi access points and cell towers may be sent to us when you use the Services.
  • Other information we collect. We may also collect other information about you, your device, or your use of the Services in ways we describe to you at the point of collection or with your consent. When personal information is stored: Speedy Bunny retains personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected and in order to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. This may mean that some information is retained longer than other information.

3. How we use the information

We use the information we collect to:

  • Register and create your account.
  • Enable you to access and use our Services and features
  • Provide and manage the products and services you request, including, but not limited to, fulfilling orders, processing payments, providing delivery services, billing, and after-sales services
  • Personalize your experience with our services;
  • Remembrance service for your convenience, when using our services;
  • Communicate with you, if you wish, with information about our products, services, offers, content, competitions or other promotions that we think may be of interest to you;
  • Communicate with you about your use of the Services, your orders, purchases, customer support inquiries, or accounts with Speedy Bunny;
  • Diagnosing technical and service problems.
  • Understand our customers so that we can develop and improve our products, offers, promotions, services and other technologies;
  • Conduct data analyses, including consumer analysis and trends.
  • Protect, detect and prevent fraud, other crimes, claims and other liabilities.
  • Use for any other purposes agreed to by you or as permitted or required by any applicable law or regulation;

If a legal or legislative obligation imposes on us to do so; as We may otherwise use your information with your consent or direction, but if you do not allow us to collect that information, we will not be prevented from providing our services to you.

4. Exchange of information

We do not sell your personal information to any third party for financial or monetary considerations, but we may share some information with some of the following.

Subsidiaries, affiliates, local owners of Speedy Bunny, and restaurants as applicable, so that we can fulfill your requests, provide products and services to you, and provide promotions that may be relevant to you. Business Partners We may also share your information with business partners to provide you with the services you request. For example, if you register for a promotion that runs on our platform but is sponsored by another company, your information may be shared with that sponsor. We are not responsible for The privacy practices of these entities and we recommend that you review their privacy policies carefully. Service Providers We may share information with companies that provide services on our behalf, such as fulfilling orders, providing information technology and data processing services, delivery services, advertising services, data analytics, marketing services, and research services. We may also share your information, including your payment information, as necessary to process your payment for the Services or complete a transaction. Our service providers are provided with the information they need to perform their assigned functions, and we do not permit them to use or disclose personal information for purposes other than those set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Social media services. If you connect your social media account to the Services or interact with our Services through a social media platform, we may share your information with that social media platform, and/or they may share information about you with us. We may use this information to personalize your experience on the Services and on third-party social media platforms, or to provide you with offers, products or other services that you may request. The Social Media Services' use of shared information will be subject to the Social Media Services' privacy policy and your social media account settings. If you do not want your information shared in this way, do not connect your social media account to the Services.

Companies that provide content or advertising. Some of the content and advertising on our Services may be provided by third parties, such as our advertisers. These companies may collect or receive certain information about your use of the Services, including from the use of cookies, beacons, and similar technologies, and may Combine this information with information collected across various websites and online services in order to deliver advertising that is more relevant to you, both on and off our Services. Third parties when required or authorized by law, or as necessary to protect our users and services. We and our service providers (including affiliates) may use and share your personal information if necessary to protect, enforce or defend the legal rights, privacy, security or property of the Services or our employees, agents or users, to detect, suppress or prevent fraud or Where required or permitted by applicable law or legal process.

We also reserve the right to transfer any information we have about you in the event that we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets to a third party, such as in the event of a merger, acquisition or in connection with a bankruptcy reorganization, in which case we may transfer information that We collect and store information, including personal information, provided to the party or parties involved in the transaction until it is completed.

5. Cookies

We and other companies that provide advertising and other services on our Services may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to facilitate administration and navigation, to better understand and improve our Services, to identify and improve advertising shown to you here or elsewhere, and to provide you with a personalized online experience. If you wish to disable cookies, refer to your browser's Help menu to learn how to disable cookies. If you disable cookies, it may affect the services provided by making you unable to access some parts of the site or disabling them completely. Beacons: We, along with third parties, may also use technologies called beacons that transmit information from your device to the server, to provide content and advertising more relevant to you on and off the Service.

6. Privacy and the choices available to you

Choices Regarding Cookies and Similar Technologies. You may block cookies and similar technologies in your browser or device settings, as permitted by your device. If you block cookies and similar technologies, you may not be able to take advantage of all the features of the Services. Choices Regarding Location Information. You may withdraw your permission for Speedy Bunny to obtain your location information in your browser or device settings, although some features of the Services may not function properly.

Choices Regarding Marketing Communications: If you opt-in to marketing communications, you may opt out of receiving commercial email, text messages, and other electronic messages from us (excluding transactional messages) by following the instructions in those communications. Managing your account: You can access or modify your account on the account page, or by emailing or writing to us at the contact information provided below under "Contact Us". Whatever method you choose to contact us, we may ask you to confirm and verify your identity. Access to Data: Subject to applicable law and certain exceptions provided by law, you may request access to, control, update, correct and delete personal information in our custody by emailing us or writing to us at the contact information set out below under "Contacting Us". . Whichever method you choose to contact us, we may ask you to confirm and verify your identity and/or provide other details to assist us in responding to your request.

7. Data security

Speedy Bunny is committed to taking appropriate measures designed to keep personal information secure. We have physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to protect and control the personal information in our custody against loss, theft, unauthorized access, use, modification, and disclosure. However, as effective as these procedures are, no security system is in place. We cannot guarantee the security of our Services, nor can we guarantee that information you provide will not be hacked while transmitting to us over the Internet, so you agree that under these circumstances, we will not be liable for any unauthorized use, sharing, transmission, alteration or Loss or damage to any information we may have collected.

8. Other important information

Children's privacy. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 13 without parental consent, unless permitted by law. If we learn that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information without parental consent, we will delete such information in accordance with applicable law. Parents may change the consent previously provided and not request further collection or use of their child's personal information. To do so, please contact us at By emailing or writing to us at the contact information shown below under "Contact Us".

9. International transfers

Please be aware that the information you provide to us or that we obtain as a result of your use of the Services may be collected in your country and later transferred to another country and maintained and processed by us or our service providers for the above purposes in accordance with applicable law. The privacy laws in these countries may not always offer the same level of protection as in your country. By using the Services, you consent to the collection, international transfer, storage and processing of your information.

10. Consent

By using the Services, you agree to this Privacy Policy and Speedy Bunny's Terms and Conditions.

11. Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, and we will notify you of changes by posting the amended version here, or by any other means. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will become effective when the updated Policy is posted on the Services. Your use of the Services or your provision of Personal Information to use the Services after such changes indicates your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at:

(+965) 1855 500

Whatever method you choose to contact us, we may ask you to confirm and verify your identity.